
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Back to Blogging

I have had multiple bad run ins with our computers, our first laptop crashed, so my generous dad gave me a brand new beautiful Toshiba laptop. My loving husband set it on the floor with the house on the keyboard and the screen slightly closed. Then, Chase came in the next morning to greet me and he used the laptop as his step stool onto the bed which cracked the screen badly. Ugh! There is always our desktop which is VERY slow and down in the basement which is like a cave, constant temp of about 55!
I am glad to say that for now, I have a fix. I got a small monitor off freecycle and have it hooked up to the laptop. It is all a bit ghetto set up in the kitchen, but it is a chance at a computer again!
I have really missed blogging because I could talk to a brick wall , and these days this is my chance. So, I hope to be back into it once and for all.
It's been so long that the boys are both in college and John is nearing retirement. Seriously, the boys are unbelievable, I will definitely update on them shortly.