
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Blogging the Clogging

I went to a clogging class tonight and had a great time. This is something I have had on my "bucket list" since I was little, but have never shared with too many. Let's just say when you mention you want to clog, you do not gain instant popularity. People usually think I am just being funny!
There were two people in the beginners class, me and a much older lady (maybe late 60's early 70s) that had dance experience. I later found out she is a former Rockette! Way to make me feel inadequate, LOL! No wonder I felt like I wasn't getting it like the other one!
My class is 45 minutes long and then at the end, the more advance people show up and they stay and dance another 2 hours or so. I am allowed to stay and watch and/or participate as much as I want, but I did not know this ahead of time. So, I called mom (she was watching the boys) to see if I could stay and have her watch the boys longer. She told me that Cole was lethargic with a temp of 102.5, so I was sad, I had to leave. Next week, I have to pick up my friend Amber at the airport, so again, I will not get to stay, but as fun as it was, cloggin cannot top the fun that Amber brings!
There is another beginners class on Tuesdays that I wanted to sign up for, but it was closed, so she told me I could just show up and not even register and that way I will be in the $80 class for free! AWESOME! The class is through our public school system as a continuing adult education class. She said don't bother registering, just come so you don't have to pay. That class is 2 hours, but does not have the experienced people to follow.
There was one chick there, that just started 2 classes ago (16 weeks) and she could do all the stuff the others could, so I am hopeful and excited. Here is a you tube video of mostly what I learned tonight and then I will show you what the advanced class was doing! LOL! She actually taught us a lot I thought for beginners which is nice. Here is what I learned most of all tonight:

Here is my actual class dancing (the lady in yellow is my instructor, the one in red has only been dancing 16 weeks, and the one in white is 3 years): Give me a few weeks, and I will add my own video!

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