
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Cabin Fever at Sea World

Christmas was wonderful as always. I enjoyed seeing family and friends that I have not seen in a while. However, as the days progressed my boys started to get sick. Cole was doing his infamous ear tug and Chase was coughing, so the day after Christmas we found ourselves sitting in the germ cess pool aka "sick waiting room" at the pediatrician's office. Cole checked out fine, but Chase was diagnosed with croup. So, we filled his prescription and headed home. That evening, Cole also developed croup. For those unfamiliar with croup, it is a cold like virus that causes swelling around the voicebox so that whenever the kid tries to cough, or talk for that matter, they sound just like a seal. So, with two sick kids, it sounds like Sea World around here.

Cole progressively got worse and due to his young age, I was asked to bring him back to the MD, I am sure it was so they could receive another $15 copay. In addition to determining Cole had croup, they also pointed out that he has 5 teeth coming in at once on the top. Again, for those unfamiliar with kids, that translates to no sleep for Mom. I was told to keep both boys home since they were still contagious as long as they were coughing.

So, here we are over a week later and the cabin fever is hitting us hard. Chase has tested me beyond believe, how he has survived, beats me. Cole has spent most the day whining and most of the nights wailing. Chase has watched more television than a young boy should be allowed in a year, but sometimes that is the only way Mommy can shower, nap, or just regain some sanity! Between the pitiful moments, we have had some fun moments as well. Aren't we a bundle of fun?

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