
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Look what we Kandoo

Well not yet really, but its a start. Yesterday was very monumental in our lives. On January 19, 2007, I announced to Chase that he had officially used the last diaper in the house (other than the 20 I stashed) and that they no longer made any his size, so we had to use underwear from here on out. For those of you who don't know Chase well, he is EXTREMELY strong willed and has no desire to potty train. Just the other day, he informed me that he loved diapers because they were perfect for him.
After being told it was underwear or nothing, he proudly chose to adorn his derriere with "Sarge" underpants:

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I had prepared for the day by making sure all easy removable pants such as sweat pants were freshly washed and ready for soiling. We had also purchased the oh so important and even more over priced Kandoo products:

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So we were off. Of course the very first time he needed to go he expected to have the same effects as a diaper so he waddled down the hall announcing "Mommy my legs is wet." So, he quickly learned how to remove his own clothes and put a whole new set of dry ones on. I explained that we did not want to wet his pants again and he responded by telling me, "yes I do." I realized I was in for a long day.
I persistently escorted Chase to the restroom to at least "try and potty." Of course his response was always "I don't have to" or "I don't want to" yet each time we went he managed to muster up urine!
At the conclusion of day one, he never quite got the hang of announcing BEFORE he had to go, but he was a champ at announcing when he had gone. I however, got pretty good at judging how soon after a drink or the last trip to the potty, to insist that we try once more.
All in all, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I of course had a full load of laundry and a handful of soiled underwear, but not too bad.

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He did not have to "poop" on day one, so that will probably be another blog in itself. We have 3 more days before we HAVE to go out anywhere, so let's hope we can get some consistency in the works by then. until then, stay tuned.

I will end with a clip of the oblivious brother and his new found trick:


Jen said...

How's it going? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!!

Heather said...

well, I will have to blog on that one.