Well, the luck couldn't last too long. The poor kid started feeling crummy again about a week ago. He has spent the last four days crying from dawn to dusk, especially if I leave his sight. He literally goes from smiling one second to screaming the very next. He is unsure of what he wants. We ended up going to the pediatrician yesterday and got him put on antibiotics, so let's hope he gets back to feeling better soon.
The many phases of Cole:

not happy


not happy

Chase has decided to go on a wild streak and act like he is going on 13. Common words out of his mouth are "No" and "But, I don't want to." This does not settle well with me. He has spent many moments in his room and/or time out recently. Of course, no matter how much he misbehaves, he is still so darn cute! Between the two of them, I will be totally gray by 2008!

John is generally really good about helping me out in times like these by taking Chase out for a bit, or taking both boys downstairs to simply be boys and give mom a break. However, we had a DUSTING of snow come through Kentuckiana which meant John got called in at 3:30 am this morning to begin salting the lots, roads, and sidewalks of his various accounts. He did not get home until 10:30 this evening. So he was gone for 17 hours for less than an inch of snow while the boys and I had a less than ideal day. We had toyed with the idea of going out to eat for my birthday but the reality of that happening just wasn't there.
One positive side of having a sick kid is Cole napped a great deal today. While he napped, Chase watched more television than a 3 year old should be allowed to watch in one week (I did manage to nap a bit on the couch while Chase watched tv). times like these, you just have to let the battles go! We can only hope that Cole will get to feeling better quickly and that John will get to remain home all day tomorrow.
Here is a cute video of my little drummer boy during one of his better moments:

1 comment:
Cole's poor little twisted eyebrows are so sad! I'd walk around heartbroked all day if I had to look at that. How do you do it???
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