
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

My lovely locks

After a year of prenatal vitamins, my hair had become quite long. I wanted to cut it, but then decided I wanted to participate in "Locks of Love" (LoL). LoL takes donated hair and creates wigs for young children who have lost their own hair to chemotherapy. How cool is that!?! Some small child can find joy and confidence in sporting my curly blonde locks? That's it, I had to do it. The required length is 10 inches. I finally reached the required length, but just barely. so, if I cut my hair now, it would be super short. I didn't care, I was ready. So this past Friday, I ahd 12 inches of blonde curly hair removed and can't wait to send it for some little boy or girl to enjoy! I think I am going to grow it out and do it again!

This is before:

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Here is the Video (listen, Chase ask why I broke my hair):


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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


Jen said...

This is awesome!

Ms. Thomas said...

You look so cute! You were so composed! You are so awesome!

And Chase... between his demanding apple juice with such good manners and his breaking hair comment... too much for Aunt Amber! Makes the missing of you and your clan too much!