
Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Brotherly Love

I knew that having 2 boys would be adventurous, but man oh man! Chase is not the easiest on his little one year old brother. Just the other day, Chase decided that Cole wanted to go outside, so he let him out. Thank God, John caught Cole at the sidewalk about 6 feet before getting to the street!
However, about 3 weeks prior, Cole wanted to go outside, and Chase quickly shouted no and pulled the front door closed. Problem is, Cole's toe was under the door as Chase did this! Cole's toe immediately began bleeding and of course he began screaming. Once I calmed him down, it looked pretty nasty. After almost a week of crawling around and not allowing me to apply any bandages, it became infected. A trip to the doctor, a $20 copay, and a $10 antibiotic later, it seemed to be getting better. As expected though, the nail did finally fall off. If you ask Chase what happened to his brother's toe, he will proudly tell you that he cut half his toe off! I have included a couple photos shortly after the incident occured.

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1 comment:

Ms. Thomas said...

Awww, poor baby Cole. Never a dull moment at the Wall house, huh?