
Friday, February 22, 2008

Our Little Genius

Of course as a mother, I have always thought my son was smart, but onight, he truly amazed me! Chase can read! He just turned 4 in December and he read 4 books to me tonight from front to cover. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't War and Peace or anything, but still a book, complete with sentences!
Patsy and Scott have generously given us Nathan's hand me downs over the years (thanks to this we have not had to buy ANYTHING other than underwear for Chase, thanks guys!). Last year, our annual hand me down box had a series of books called the Bob books. They are specifically designed to help beginning readers learn to read. There are 12 books in all and they progressively get a little more involved and difficult.
He has "read" a word or two in the past, but it was generally a book we had read approxiamtely 100 times in a row, so memorization took a major role in his "reading" ability. Well, these books were brand new to him, never read before. Julia, my mother in law, taught Chase to place his finger under each word as he read it, and he proceeded to put his finger under the words and read them aloud to me!
The first book is very simple such as "Mat sat. Sam sat." HOwever, he has progressed to book #5 and it has sentences such as "Dot and Mit sit on a mat."
I am sure this blog may seem like I am a bit overly excited about this, but I am truly amazed that my baby boy can read!
He may not be able to poop on a potty every time, but the boy can read!


John said...

I could tell last week when we got together that Chase was nothing short of brilliant! You must be soooo proud that he takes after his mommy. Happy Birthday! I loved the picts.


Vonda and John said...

Hey - I still have another bag of clothes and shoes at my house from Patsy and Scott.
Of course Chase is brilliant! Look at his mama!


Heather said...

Wow, I really have you guys fooled on the brillance factor! Works for me. I really hope he remains knowledgable and curious to learn more, it can get him far in life. With knowledge and his humor, watch out world!

Ms. Thomas said...

I knew he was shockingly smart when he knew all the letters and numbers on the fridge magnets and he was like 2! You'd say, Chase, where's the M, and Little Mr. Einstein would ACTUALLY PICK THE M. And the 3. And the F. And any other number or letter you asked him about. Kids as smart as Chase can't be bothered potty training. They're too busy trying to understand the plumbing and complex sewage systems to deal in such babiness as going to the potty.

I want him to read a book to me. Curled up on the couch with the blanket on us. Being so cute. Aww, makes me miss you guys so much!