
Saturday, November 04, 2006


Amber has forced me into unknown territory, blogging. I have no idea what to say or how to go about saying it, so I will simply use this as chronicles to my crazy life. Writing has never been a forte of mine, so bear with me!

That is something I have always admired about Amber, her ability to write and with such wit at that. I think it all began when we wrote our "Young Authors books for Ms. Kidd, I am pretty sure Amber received an award of some description, me on the other hand, Ms. Kidd often just shook her head when dealing with me, as did most adults.

You will have to excuse any typos that may occur, Chase Alexander, the spitting image of his mother, felt the need to remove the space bar from my laptop one day, so I have to hit a circle the size of a pencil eraser with precision to achieve a space. It gets so frustrating, especially since I am a bit of a perfectionist and feel the need to correct it every time no matter how small the mistake.

Well it is 2am and my next waking is only 2 hours away, so I am off for a cat nap.

Heres to you Amber, Enjoy!


Ms. Thomas said...

You're off to a great start!! Too bad Ms. Kidd probably threw out that conduct notebook. Once you get discovered as blogger of the year, all those signatures of yours could bring a pretty penny. Congrats on the blogging. It's also a great place to share your photos. Love you!

shethunkdat said...

This is great. Put up some pics!

Leiah said...

I;m so excited to hear about all your adventures. No pressure. Blogs are hard to keep up with...especially when you have to type with no spacebar or one handed as I do when I am at home. Love you and I'm looking forward to seeing more into the life of heather.